(Also available in Spanish. Use the language switch)
Please find a video (in Spanish) of a talk I planned to give in RetroMadrid 2018 (a Spanish event for retrocumputing), but that eventually I got sick and I could not attend. The talk covers the following points:
- Review of my previous talk (history of 6502) in RetroMadrid 2017.
- Origin of Intel 4004.
- Highlight: The role of Japan in the creation of the first comercial microprocessor on 1 single chip.
- Highlight: Two genius Dos genios en acción: Masatoshi Shima y Federico Faggin.
- Was the Intel 4004 the first microprocessor? We will revisit the definition the definition of microprocessor and cover some microprocessor contemporary to 4004.
- Highlight: I think that there were other microprocessor prior to Intel 4004 (my personal opinion).
- Texas Instruments: a 45 years old secret.
- Relationship of Intel with: Zilog, Motorola, MOS Technology, ARM, etc.
- Yes, I like Star Wars 🙂
If you are in a hurry:
Some references:
- “The surprising history of the first microprocessors”, IEEE Spectrum, 2017, https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-history/silicon-revolution/the-surprising-story-of-the-first-microprocessors
- “The Intel 4004. What constituted invention?”, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 1997, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/601727/
- “The history of 4004”, IEEE Micro, 2002, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/546561/
- System IV/70 Brochure, Four-Phase Systems, 1970, http://archive.computerhistory.org
- Ray Holt’s web about the MP944 chipset, http://firstmicroprocessor.com/documents/
- The birth of the microprocessor, Federico Faggin, Byte, 1992, https://archive.org/stream/byte-magazine-1992-03/1992_03_BYTE_17-03_Memory_and_Storage_Advances#page/n169